Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir. English Education Department of University of Iqra Buru. The paper is delivered on public lecture of Microteaching at English Education Department of University of Iqra Buru, November 01st 2012. Abstract: Differing definitions of teaching and learning strategy, method, technique, and model have arisen on account of two groups of reasons: those deriving from teachers’ situation regard to the nature of various languages they used, and those deriving from teachers and researchers’ different backgrounds, ideology and purposes. Most teachers and researchers define those terms interchangeability and overlapping which can be problematic. Thus it needs to redefine those terms to avoid of misunderstanding and misinterpretation the terms.

Keyword: Definitions of Learning Strategy, Method, Approach, Technique, Model


The successful of teaching and learning process could not be separated from the strategy, method, approach, technique or even model which applied and implemented by teachers themselves. This phenomenon evoked the researchers to find out and to develop the appropriate strategy and method to be success in teaching. Some of my students who conducted a mini research to fulfill the requirement of the university were confused to use the terms. For instance, they sometimes used the term of Jigsaw technique, or Jigsaw method, and Jigsaw model. When I asked them to explain the definition and purpose amongst those terms which they utilized in the article, they feel more confused and dazed to give an answer. Therefore, the terms of strategy, method, approach, technique, and model are defined commonly by the way of teaching and learning process. Whereas some of previous research findings have identified and differentiated the terms.

The different definitions of teaching and learning strategy, method, technique, and model have arisen on account of two groups of reasons: those deriving from teachers’ situation regard to the nature of various languages they used, and those deriving from teachers and researchers’ different backgrounds, ideology and purposes. Most teachers and researchers define those terms interchangeability and overlapping which can be problematic. Thus it is crucial to consider in-depth the usage of the terms.

Definitions of Learning Strategy, Method, Approach, Technique and Model

There are many definitions of strategy, method, approach, technique and model which proposed by some experts. Some of them define the terms refer to the process of action and have the same meaning and purpose.

In defining strategy, Ramires (1985) simply defined learning strategy when he says the techniques, approach, or tactics that learners use. In accordance to what Oxford and Nyikos (1998) defined learning strategies as operation used by learners to aid the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information. In addition, Rubin (1975) stated that learning strategy referred to the technique or devices which a learner may use to acquire knowledge. I most prefer the definition proposed by O’Malley and Chamot (1990) who define strategy as internal cognitive or affective action taken by the teacher or learner in order to learn both simple and complex material. It supported by Wenden (1991) who defines learning strategy is mental step or operation that learner use to learn knowledge and to regulates their efforts to do so. A strategy may be defined as a planned design for controlling and manipulating certain information (Brown, 2001). I can conclude that strategy is mental step in form of internal cognitive.

The method defined as way of doing things. In teaching and learning, a method is defined as ‘means to an end’. The learning method can be interpreted as a comprehensive way (from beginning to the end) with a systematic order based on a specific approach to achieve learning goals. On the other word, the method is a way of carrying out the work. Thus, it can be concluded that the method of learning is a learning plan that includes the selection, determination, and systematically arrange material to be taught, as well as the possibility of procuring remedial and how its development.

Approach is more accurate to be defined as a way of beginning something ‘how to start a suit’. Therefore, the term can be interpreted as how to get started in learning. In a larger sense, the approach refers to a set of assumptions about how teaching and learning. Approach is the starting point of looking at things, the philosophy or belief that is not always easy to prove. Thus, the approach is axiomatic (Badudu 1996:17). Axiomatic truth means that truth theories that are not used questioned anymore. Learning approach (teaching approach) is wisdom in the approaches or initiate and carry out the teaching of a field of study/subjects and styles that give direction to the teaching methods and are based on assumptions related.

The technique means manner, how to do or perform something or efforts, in ways that teachers use to carry out teaching in the classroom at the time of face to face in order to serve and consolidate the learning materials to achieve the goal of learning. Therefore, the technique is implementation and the occurrence at this stage of the implementation of teaching (presentation and stabilization). It can be concluded that the technique is a tactic or a way of learning undertaken by teachers in implementing the teaching and learning activities in order to obtain optimal results.

The term of learning model is often interpreted as a learning approach. Even sometimes a learning model is the same as the name of learning approaches. Frankly learning model has a wider meaning than the meaning of approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques. Learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used as a guide in planning the learning in the classroom. In other words, it is a planning model or pattern that we can use to design the patterns of face-to-face teaching in the classroom and to determine the learning material/device including books, media (films), type- type, computer media programs, and curriculum (as a course to learn).

Those definitions of strategy, method, approach, technique, and model explained above are still confused the reader to understand and to distinguish amongst the terms. Hence, the practitioners (teachers and researchers) will interpret all the terms have the same meaning.

Simplification of the Terms

To simplify the comprehension toward the terms’ meaning, and to make easy to understand the terms, I will give an illustration which can help readers to catch the point and differentiate the meaning amongst those terms. The illustration as follow:

One day, I met a woman who has good performing and charming that gave an impression in my heart. Secretly, I fall in love with her at the first sight. What will happen then? Of course, my mind is working on planning all the ways to pursue and to get her love, weather is good ways or bad planning like asking for sorcerer’s help. Those entire plans running on my mind called STRATEGY.

The whole plans programmed on the dashboard of mind should be followed up in action to reach the goal. What should I do next? Of course I have to visit her at home. But what should I ride to get her home? It isn’t nice to go on foot or to make casual walk, or to ride a cab. My plans are fighting in my mind. Then, I decide to rent a car to go to the woman’s house. Here, the car which I ride to accomplish the goal is categorized as method, on the other word, the first plan of implementing the strategy was named METHOD.

Upon arriving at the woman’s house, obviously the house was guarded by vicious dogs. Besides, her father was known as an aggressive general and scared by people around their environment. The situation makes difficult for me to go inside the house. Suddenly, I remembered one of my uncles who also was a general and has a very high ranking military officer then her father. I make a phone to communicate with and to ask for his help. Because of my uncle’s help, I was permitted to go inside the house. Here, the way I choose to acquire my uncle’s help to get permission to go inside the house was called by family APPROACH.

When I was in the guest room sit with the facing side to the woman and feel fearful to speak out, my mind thinking of the way to express feeling. There are some general ways that people used to express love, such by giving the flower, chocolate, ring, or a small gift. Moreover, there is also a specific way possessed by individual as his characteristic. The general ways named by TECHNIQUE, while the specific way possessed by individual called Tactic or Style.

The whole action sequences which start from method to technique was named by MODEL; in this case, it is called the love learning MODEL. Besides, if one of strategy, method or technique was modified and developed through all the sequences from the beginning to the end of process, thus the method or technique has become a MODEL. The sequences can be seen on the figure below:

Untitled 7
Untitled 7

Figure 1: Plot of strategy, method, approach, technique, and model

The figure shows that the terms of strategy, method, approach, technique (tactic & style), and model have different meaning and different way of implementation in irregular sequences of action based on the perspective and theory that we adopted. For instance, I will give some description about Jigsaw that is used overlapping in some of definitions that you may read them below:

Goodman’s (1990: 108) states that Jigsaw is a strategy of cooperative learning first described by Aronson in 1978. It means that Jigsaw is a part of cooperative learning models. Brisk’s and Harrington’s (2008: 83) define that the Jigsaw approach is a way for students to work cooperatively and help each other to learn new material. Asfihana (2012), states that Jigsaw is a strategy of cooperative learning that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a topic. Emilda (2008), the Jigsaw technique contains of home team and expert team. Lucas in Sahin (2010: 778) says that Jigsaw technique allows students to actively participate in learning process. (Huda, 118: 2012) states in Jigsaw method, students work group during twice, namely in themselves, called “home group” and in “expert group”.

Try to rethink and understand the definitions which you red on the box, once that crossed on your mind firstly are that the confusing of the overlapping terms of strategy, model, approach, and technique are merely the way of work group in learning process. You will ask yourself repeatedly, why the experts should used the Jigsaw as strategy, or technique, method and model.

As I discussed about the sequences above that a strategy, or a method, an approach, and a technique could be modified and developed from the beginning to the end of learning process. After the developing of a method or a technique, it will become a Model.

In the case of Jigsaw, it is solely just a technique derived from the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky which was developed by Aronson (1975) for the first time, then it continued to adopt and modify by Slavin (1989). It means that Jigsaw was modified and developed it sequences from the beginning to the end of learning process. Thus, it was not a technique, but it was a teaching and learning model of Jigsaw or Jigsaw model in teaching and learning.


Based on the views and descriptions above, I conclude that the terms of strategy, method, approach, technique (tactic & style), and model have different meaning and different way of implementation in irregular sequences of action. Strategy is a mental plan, method is a first step of implementing the strategy, approach is the way to facilitate the method, technique is the way of delivering the message/idea, and model is the entire ways of implementing strategy, method, approach, and technique from the beginning to the end of process. The developing and modifying of strategy or method will be categorized as model. One could use those terms based on his/her interpretation to what perspective he/she adopts and adapts by proposing the argument.


Aronson. (2013). Basic Jigsaw. Retrieved November 19th, 2012.From http://www.jigsaw.basic

Badudu, J.S. (1996). Pintar Berbahasa Indonesia 1: Petunjuk Guru Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama.Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interractive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Huda, Miftahul. 2012. Cooperative Learning Method (Metode, Teknik, Struktur, dan Model Penerapan). Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar.

O’Malley, J. M. & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Oxford, R. L. & Nyikos, M. (1989). Variables affecting choices of language learning strategies by university students. The Modern Language Journal, 73(2), 291-300.

Rubin, J. (1987). Learner strategies: theoretical assumptions, research history and typology. In A. Wenden & Joan Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies and language learning (pp.15-29). Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wenden, A. & Rubin, J. (Eds.) (1987). Learner strategies in language learning. Cambridge: Prentice-Hall.


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